Tuesday, March 1, 2011


In life....
dont expect anything from anyone..
because expectation, when not fulfilled.. gives you pain..
when you get something without expecting it..
is gives you pleasure..
keep doing your part..
and leave the rest to Allah...


  1. i keep receiving things in my life with wide open arms..coz i know i can handle it and Allah will always be with me

  2. kalau terlalu berharap, kita juga akan kecewa kelak..
    berhenti berharap kepada manusia...
    sebaiknya kita cuba lakukan sendiri..
    selebihnya berserah kepada Allah

    kella, mcm mana nak buat energy save tu? boleh ajar tak?

  3. Remember when tears drop
    someone lap you will laying-on
    when your shoulder unable to support the burden
    there is someone shoulder you hang-on
    But when someone you needs not around
    Allah is everything we depends-on


Terima kasih atas kesudian komen komen anda! :)